
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Kid Quote of the Week

Out of the mouths of babes.

As teachers we have heard it all, especially teachers of younger students. (Parents ~ if you think your younger children are not listening to you talk, you're so wrong!)  We know everything that is going on at home ~ the burned dinner last night, the older sibling who got grounded, the new pet, the pet that died, EVERY birthday, doctors appointments, did I mention the older sibling whose in trouble?....

I love to hear all the happenings in my students lives, it usually gives me a good laugh (that I have to keep to myself!) or makes me stop and think for a moment (mostly because I wonder if their parents really want the teacher to know ALL the things going on at home!)

So I thought I would start a weekly blog post with my favorite Kid Quote of the Week.

This week's kid quote is brought to you by Carter.  He was sitting by his best friend (totally the odd couple) ~ which is NOT suppose to happen as they talk to much during centers.  I asked them why they were sitting next to each other and Carter's reply was.....

"It's the only seat in the house!" (Picture arms thrown in the air and big six year old attitude!)

His best friend added....

"It's the best seat in house." (Picture a calm and happy kiddo to be sitting by his best friend.)

I didn't make them move apart that day, and they were very well behaved.  I decided to let them sit by each other, it's not worth the six year old boy drama! (Which can be so much worse than six year old girl drama!)

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