
Sunday, November 8, 2015

That wiggly kid!

My last blog post got me thinking about all the things that I try to implement in my classroom to help those wiggly students.

Over the years I have tried MANY different things, weighted vests, weights for shoes, stress balls, bands on chairs, wiggle seats, etc.  It seems like every year I try something new because what worked the year before is not working or because every student has different needs.

This I have loved the exercise bands (surgical tubing) I have implemented.  I originally purchased a set of three exercise bands (for $17.00) from a local sporting goods store.  It had three different strength bands; heavy, medium & light.  The medium and light did not last very long! The heavy weight band has been great but expensive!  Check it out!
Exercise Bands to help those "wiggly" students or students with ADD, ADHD.

Because I have several kids this year that bands would benefit I was working on writing a grant to purchase more bands and balance cushions (I couldn't afford $17.00 per band!) when a dad of a "wiggly" kiddo asked what he could do to help his child.

I showed him the exercise band and told him I was working on writing a grant for more (as well as balance cushions), he had a great idea to use surgical tubing!  For less than the price of one set of exercise bands, he was able to make 5 surgical tubing bands!  AND they are much sturdier than the bands.  He simply measured the chair width, tied each end in a knot, made a loop and put a zip tie around it.  It works wonderfully!  (I found tubing HERE and zip ties HERE on Amazon for a great price; it would make each band approximately $2.00-$3.00.)
Surgical Tubing: A great alternative to exercise bands for your ADD, ADHD kiddos. AND it will save you $$!

This dad also brought in a balance cushion for his son as well.  The cushion has been incredibly helpful too.  It allows my student to wiggle without falling off of his chair and he gets the movement he needs to help him stay on task.
Balance Cushion: A great way to help those "wiggly" kiddos!

This is what his chair looks like with the balance cushion and band.  He carries his cushion all around the classroom with him because he knows it helps him to stay focused.

Using Balance Cushions and Bands to help your "wiggly," ADHD, ADD students.

It's been a great addition to my "wiggly" kiddo strategies.  I found them HERE on Amazon for $12.00 a cushion.  I have several students who could benefit from the balance cushions, I just have to get on the grant writing!

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